Pickle Rick
Hi Techies,
In this article we will see about Pickle Rick machine on TryHackMe. This is a beginner level machine.
Deploy the virtual machine on this task and explore the web application.
Once, the machine is deployed connect it to VPN & check the connectivity
Enumeration / Reconnaissance
We will check for the open ports of the vulnerable machine
Port 80 & port 22 is open
In-order to get more information, will go with gobuster.
#gobuster dir — url — wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt
Since, port 80 is open, we will check with the web server.
In the web browser we can see an image, where we can’t find any useful information.
We will check with the page-source of the web server
By checking the page-source, we found the username is R1ckRul3s
As we got some information from gobuster we will try with each file
In robots.txt, we got a password
After checking all files, there is no hint.
So, i did gobuster again in-order to find any other files using php
##gobuster dir — url — wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -x php
Here i got more files & directories
Here, i visited denied.php file, it re-directed to the login.php page
As we already got the credentials, we will login .
- What is the first ingredient Rick needs?
Here, the portal.php page open with command panel to execute
In-order to find the list of files
Here we got “Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt”
In-order to find the text file, Copy & paste it in url
We will get the first ingredient
2. Whats the second ingredient Rick needs?
Check for the home directory
#ls /home
We got two files, Let’s check for rick
It contains the second ingredients
#ls /home/rick
To Know the ingredient
#less /home/rick/”second ingredients” & execute
3. Whats the final ingredient Rick needs?
We always know, that final flag will be of Privilege Escalation.
There is another file in the home directory. Let’s check it
#ls -la /home/ubuntu
To escalate it
#sudo -l
We get to know we can run all the files without password
So, directly we are login in with root
#sudo ls /root
Here, we got something like 3rd.txt
To find the 3rd ingredient
#sudo less /home/root/3rd.txt
We found all the flags
We cracked the box of Pickle Rick.
I hope this box is very fun & interesting to crack it.
Thank You!!!